Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1 - It's Name is Blog

I have discovered a new world, and it's name is Blog. I frequently get a hankering to spill my opinionated guts regarding things that are stupid and need to be fixed. Blog is there. Blog will hold my hand and comfort me. Blog will understand and not talk back. Blog will listen.

Blog: Maybe you should get to the point . . .

Blog will shut the hell up and keep it's opinions to itself. I'll do the talking. It's my Blog. Not the other way around. Sorry about that. Blog needs a "time out".

So. Here I am. The Voice of Sanity. Blog is just along for the ride.


Unknown said...

I appreciate what your doing here.

I have always believed that it takes a real man's man to consistently write a blog.

Good luck and I look forward to future readings on things that should be fixed.

Maybe like the final installment of the Matrix trilogy.

Kem said...

Did you comment on your own blog?

Unknown said...

No it was another Scott in Seattle Washington.

Though I shouldn't admit it and let people think he did comment on his own blog and that all sanity has left him.

Different Scott, this time.

~two~ said...

sure it was another Scott....just like the voice of "Blog" isn't just Scott talking to himself....