Wednesday, September 26, 2007

2 - Toilet Paper

Do you use toilet paper? Please say yes. I'll assume you do.

Blog: Assume makes an 'Ass' out of 'U' and 'Me'.

Are you going to be like this ALL the time? I think Blog should be seen and not heard. Speaking of ass, I was at the store the other day. My task was seemingly simple. Procure some TP. Simple it was not.

Somewhere in the last ten years a "brilliant" product analyst came up with an entirely new way to piss me off. If you do not have vast experience or an intimate knowledge of higher math, it is virtually impossible to buy toilet paper. A roll of TP is no longer measured as a roll. I'm convinced there is a formula or equation involving pyarskwaired and circumference vs. diameter divided by squares per roll times the number of ply equals who gives a crap. I just want some frickin TP!

Blog: You're whining, so you may as well use the wine comment.

It's not like I'm trying to pick wine. It's small squares of tissue paper. In a roll. Seems simple enough. Why did somebody have to make it so complicated? 24 Double Rolls = 48 regular rolls. 24 Extra Jumbo rolls = a Million Billion Double Quadruple Rolls. It takes longer to pick out TP than the rest of the groceries! I finally just got pissed and grabbed one that looked familiar.

When I go to the store I'd just like to be able to reach out and grab a pack of toilet paper. No BS. No gimmicks. Just plain old, white as snow, pure, lovely toilet paper. To wipe with. I don't need it to lotion me. I don't need 18 ply. I don't need six thousand meters. I just need a few squares. To wipe.

Somebody should fix that.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

1 - It's Name is Blog

I have discovered a new world, and it's name is Blog. I frequently get a hankering to spill my opinionated guts regarding things that are stupid and need to be fixed. Blog is there. Blog will hold my hand and comfort me. Blog will understand and not talk back. Blog will listen.

Blog: Maybe you should get to the point . . .

Blog will shut the hell up and keep it's opinions to itself. I'll do the talking. It's my Blog. Not the other way around. Sorry about that. Blog needs a "time out".

So. Here I am. The Voice of Sanity. Blog is just along for the ride.